"Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the…
Ni Made Gandhi Sanjiwani: Jiwa Muda yang Berani Membangun Desa “I believe that woman can be the agent of change and village will be our future in tourism.”…
WTIDRecognition Nur Dwi Ariyudhanti – Guest Service Agent, Sheraton Mustika Hotel The hospitality industry has one of the highest numbers of female employment…
Get to Know Fida and her company does! Fidarini Devi, a women who successfully started their own travel companies. She have been running her own small tourism business…
WTIDRecognition Annisa Siti Nurhayati – Manager of Nganggring Tousim Ecovillage Being a woman doesn't mean we're weak. Where we stand, there we must thrive.…