Halo fellow companions! Bulan Agustus 2020 kemarin, kita berkesempatan untuk menuliskan paper berjudul Entrepreneurial Learning from Female Entrepreneurs…
Indonesia merupakan bangsa yang memiliki banyak kekayaan warisan budaya yang dimiliki. Salah satu warisan yang sangat berharga dan mahsyur yakni kain tenun tradisional.…
Berdasarkan data dari UNWTO, secara global, mayoritas tenaga kerja di industri pariwisata adalah perempuan, yaitu sebanyak 54%. Meskipun begitu, perempuan kurang…
“We Spread Hope and Opportunities in Sumba” - Inge De Lathauwer, Founder Sumber: sumbahospitalityfoundation.org Sumba Hospitality Foundation merupakan…
Bali is one of the most popular islands in Indonesia for tourism due to its beaches, nightlife and religious sites. Bali, the home of Indonesia's Hindu minority,…
The 1995 Beijing Platfrom, Sebuah Deklarasi dalam Upaya Memastikan Kesetaraan Gender. Pada tahun 1995, UN Women dengan perwakilan beberapa negara anggota berhasil…
Tourism, according to scholars, is considered the world’s largest industry in which its impacts influence the government, business, and academic fields.
The Environmental Warrior Women of Indonesia by Anin For the indigenous people, especially the indigenous women, their lands are the most significant aspect…
All around the world, the hands of women have made notable changes in the tourism industry. In fact, women account for the majority of the global tourism workforce.…
We have heard a lot of women’s involvement in tourism in Java. But today, we want to take you out to Nihaone, a village located in Boleng, Adonara, Flores…
Managing Homestay in Huta Tinggi Examining Local Women Involvement in Tourism "As women, we have the same part, working not only to make a profit but also to make…